Saturday, March 29, 2014

Change your IP in just a minute

How to Change Your IP Address In Less Then 1 Minute

1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen
2. Click on "Run"
3. Type in "command" and hit ok

You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen.

4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter"
5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt
6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop.
7. Click on "Properties"

You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.

8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "Properties"
9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab
10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab
11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up).
12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers.
13. Hit the "Ok" button here
14. Hit the "Ok" button again

You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen.

15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to Properties again.
16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings
17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically"
18. Hit "Ok"
19. Hit "Ok" again
20. You now have a new IP address

With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 20 seconds.

P.S: This only changes your dynamic IP address, not your ISP/IP address. With a little effort, this can be traced.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Android Malware 'Dendroid' targeting Indian Users 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Hacking, the art of writing computer code, and manipulating computer hardware has traditionally kept men at the top of the field, and that is why many are surprised to hear that there are a handful of women that have found a place in this world. It remains an evolving, multi-billion dollar industry as some hackers are often blamed for causing irreparable damage while others are simultaneously credited for some of the biggest breakthroughs in technology. No matter what a hacker may be, they are known for their resourcefulness and their knowledge of complex theory, so here is a closer look at ten of the most notorious female hackers and the impact that they have had on the world.

1. Susan Headley

Susan Headley was a hacker in the 1970's and early 1980's who went by the name "Susan Thunder." She was one of the most well known and successful female hackers of her time, and is still held in high regard in hacker history. She was a member of the hacking group Cyberpunks and was most known for her use of social engineering skills in order to hack into organizations. Thunder began her use of social engineering in the early 1970's to get backstage passes to concerts by pretending to be someone important or close to the band. This led her to become a very well practiced Phreaker at the end of the 1970's since she had already mastered the art of social engineering and manipulating people. She later met up with Ron and Kevin Mitnick, who were both already established hackers of the time. Soon after, Thunder began to specialize in attacking military computer systems. She also used her "abilities" as a woman, such as sleeping with guards to certain companies in order to gain access to information, to demonstrate that female hackers could do things in order to reach their objectives that male hackers could not. Thunder said this "gave her a sense of power" over men and over the organizations she would hack into. She was later suspected in setting up Ron and Kevin Mitnick to get caught by the police, but the police made a deal with her. She witnessed against the two men and both Ron and Kevin were sent to jail for the hacking job. Thunder became an expert in the art of hacking and was considered a "security expert" on military issues due to her access and experience from hacking into military computers. Later, in the mid 90's, Thunder was elected into public office in California as a City Clerk.

2. Gigabyte
Kimberly Vanvaeck a.k.a Gigabyte is a female Belgian who was credited for writing the first ever C# virus which she called 'Sharpei'. She was 17 at that time when she released Sharpei, which is designed to infect computers loaded with the .Net framework. The worm appears in an e-mail with the subject line "Important: Windows update" and the following message attached:
  • "Hey, at work we are applying this update because it makes Windows over 50% faster and more secure. I thought I should forward it as you may like it."
  • If the attachment is opened, then the worm uses the Outlook address book to send messages--with a copy of the virus attached--to every address in the book. It then deletes the e-mails from the sent folder and removes the copy of itself.
    She lives mostly in Belgium, Brussels, but sometimes she still go home to the town where she was raised, near Mechlin. She recently graduated as a Master of Industrial Sciences (Industrial Engineer) in Electronics-ICT. Before that, she also did a Bachelor in Applied Computer Sciences. Now she works as an advisor in IT, at Erasmushogeschool Brussel.
    A female virus writer with a penchant for media attention.
    She was arrested by the Belgian Police a few years ago after she was discovered for creating the worm.
    She is also well known for frequent run-ins with ubiquitous AV spokesman Graham Cluley over his sociological analysis of virus writers.
    During her last year of Bachelor in Applied Computer Sciences, she went to Hanoi, Vietnam, to participate in a project on Multilayer Traffic Engineering, for her final work

    3. Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya
    Without question, Krisina Svechinskaya remains one of the most well-known names in hacking. This Russian hacker is also a top-notch New York University student, but most will recognize her fr
    om a string of high-end hacking jobs that have potentially resulted in millions of dollars lost. Specializing in the use of Trojan horses, Svechinskaya attacked thousands of bank accounts, most within the United States, and then created a series of fake accounts through both Bank of America and Wachovia. She then utilized nine other people to create fake passports, but was finally caught and is now under threat of multiple charges. Overall, some authorities estimate that she stole $3 million in as little as a few months.

    4. Xiao Tian
    After feeling female hackers had little outlet for their interest in technology, Xiao Tian created the renowned hacking group China Girl Security Team. Still a teenager, Tian quickly expanded the group to just over 2,200 members, all of which were female girls looking for a community in which they would feel welcome. This female hacking organization now has ties to some of the most infamous hacking groups throughout the world and has become one of the largest Chinese-based hacking groups. As with most well-known and outspoken groups of this nature, Xiao Tian and the rest of China Girl Security Team continue to receive attention from national and international police organizations due to their activities.

    5. Raven Adler
    10-Raven-AdlerOften recognized as one of the most gifted and intelligent hackers in the world, Raven Adler graduated high school at just 14 and got her college degree at 18. As a frequent speaker at hacking and software conferences, Adler was also the first female to ever give a presentation at DefCon, one of the world’s most prestigious gathering of hackers. When asked about her appearance at DefCon, she often replies that she would like to be known for her work, not for being a female in the field. Currently, Adler specializes in

    securing data from end-to-end, and this has made her invaluable to both private and public organizations looking to protect sensitive information. She now works as a senior security consultant for a number of companies and continues to give lectures and regularly publish her work in industry magazines. She also works closely alongside a number of federal firms in an effort to secure their online databases.

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

     Basic Things needed to become a Hacker

    Many noobs in the hacking world are confused what should they do to stat their carrier. So, in short it is discussed here:

    What are the things that you need to become a hacker?

    1. Programming Knowledge:

    * C/C++
    *Web designing (HTML/CSS,Javascript,PHP,etc)
    *Visual Basic
    *VBscript,Batch file programming,Autohotkey script

    2. Basic Networking Knowledge:

    * Understanding of various networking protocols (TCP/
    *Different forms of network encryption
    *Understanding of packets.

    3. Experience with UNIX / LINUX Operating Systems.

    4. Ability to think like a Criminal

    Monday, March 24, 2014

     UC Browser v9.0 Chinese [Translated Unofficial English Version]

    This is the English translation of Chinese version of UC Browser 9.0. There is little problems in the translation, so comment here if you find them, so that it can corected.

    Important Note:
    1. When you will start UC Browser 9 it will initialize and after completion of Init:Update it will give you an error ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException(guess why?)
    But you dont have to worry! Everything will be fine after you Restart your UC Browser.
    In some phones like sonyerricson after init:update browser will hang, you just need to restart it.

    2. There are some problem in bookmarks in this versions, so it is recommended that you sync your bookmarks from uc server to your local bookmark.

    New Features in the UC Browser v9.0 :
    1.Improved User Interface:
    Optimization of design provides an enhancement of user experience.
    2.Functional Optimization:
    Support for custom background color, shortcut keys, page optimization, copy and other functions.
    3.Incognito Browsing:
    Your browsing history will not be recorded when you turn on Incognito Browsing.



    Note: Rename the files to .jar
    Indian Server:

    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    The Hacker Attitude


    1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.
    2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.
    3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.
    4. Freedom is good.
    5. Attitude is no substitute for competence.

    Hackers solve problems and build things, and they believe in freedom and voluntary mutual help. To be accepted as a hacker, you have to behave as though you have this kind of attitude yourself. And to behave as though you have the attitude, you have to really believe the attitude. But if you think of cultivating hacker attitudes as just a way to gain acceptance in the culture, you'll miss the point. Becoming the kind of person
    who believes these things is important for you — for helping you learn and keeping you motivated. As with all creative arts, the most effective way to become a master is to imitate the mind-set of masters — not just intellectually but emotionally as well. Or, as the following modern Zen poem has it:
    To follow the path:
    look to the master,
    follow the master,
    walk with the master,
    see through the master,
    become the master.

    So, if you want to be a hacker, repeat the following things until you believe

    1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.

    Being a hacker is lots of fun, but it's a kind of fun that takes lots of effort. The effort takes motivation. Successful athletes get their motivation from a kind of physical delight in making their bodies perform, in pushing themselves past their own physical limits. Similarly, to be a hacker you have to get a basic thrill from solving problems, sharpening your skills, and exercising your intelligence. If you aren't the kind of person that feels this way naturally, you'll need to become one in order to make it as a hacker. Otherwise you'll find your
    hacking energy is sapped by distractions like sex, money, and social approval. (You also have to develop a kind of faith in your own learning capacity — a belief that even though you may not know all of what you need to solve a problem, if you tackle just a piece of it and learn from that, you'll learn enough to solve the next piece — and so on, until you're done.)

    2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.

    Creative brains are a valuable, limited resource. They shouldn't be wasted on re-inventing the wheel when there are so many fascinating new problems waiting out there. To behave like a hacker, you have to believe that the thinking time of other hackers is precious — so much so that it's almost a moral duty for you to share
    information, solve problems and then give the solutions away just so other hackers can solve new problems instead of having to perpetually re-address old ones. Note, however, that "No problem should ever have to be solved twice." does not imply that you have to consider all existing solutions sacred, or that there is only one right solution to any given problem. Often, we learn a lot about the problem that we didn't know before by studying the first cut at a solution. It's OK, and often necessary, to decide that we can do better. What's not OK is artificial technical, legal, or institutional barriers (like closed-source code) that prevent a good solution from being re-used and force people to re-invent wheels. (You don't have to believe that you're obligated to give all your creative product away, though the hackers that do are the ones that get most respect from other hackers. It's consistent with hacker values to sell enough of it to keep you in food and rent and computers. It's fine to use your hacking skills to support a family or even get rich, as long as you don't forget your loyalty to your art and your fellow hackers while doing it.)

    3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.

    Hackers (and creative people in general) should never be bored or have to drudge at stupid repetitive work, because when this happens it means they aren't doing what only they can do — solve new problems. This wastefulness hurts everybody. Therefore boredom and drudgery are not just unpleasant but
    actually evil. To behave like a hacker, you have to believe this enough to want to automate away the boring bits as much as possible, not just for yourself but for everybody else (especially other hackers). (There is one apparent exception to this. Hackers will sometimes do things that may seem repetitive or boring to an observer as a mind-clearing exercise, or in order to acquire a skill or have some particular kind of experience you can't have otherwise. But this is by choice — nobody who can think should ever be forced into a situation that bores them.)

    4. Freedom is good.

    Hackers are naturally anti-authoritarian. Anyone who can give you orders can stop you from solving whatever problem you're being fascinated by — and, given the way authoritarian minds work, will generally find some appallingly stupid reason to do so. So the authoritarian attitude has to be fought wherever you find it, lest it smother you and other hackers. (This isn't the same as fighting all authority. Children need to be guided and criminals restrained. A hacker may agree to accept some kinds of authority in order to get something he wants more than the time he spends following orders. But that's a limited, conscious bargain; the kind of personal surrender authoritarians want is not on offer.) Authoritarians thrive on censorship and secrecy. And they distrust voluntary cooperation and information-sharing — they only like ‘cooperation’ that they control. So to behave like a hacker, you have to develop an instinctive hostility to censorship, secrecy, and the use of force or deception to compel responsible adults. And you have to be willing to act on that belief.

    5. Attitude is no substitute for competence.

    To be a hacker, you have to develop some of these attitudes. But copping an attitude alone won't make you a hacker, any more than it will make you a champion athlete or a rock star. Becoming a hacker will take intelligence, practice, dedication, and hard work. Therefore, you have to learn to distrust attitude and respect competence of every kind. Hackers won't let posers waste their time, but they worship competence — especially competence at hacking, but competence at anything is valued. Competence at demanding skills that few can master is especially good, and competence at demanding skills that involve mental acuteness, craft, and concentration is best. If you revere competence, you'll enjoy developing it in yourself — the hard work and dedication will become a kind of intense play rather than drudgery. That attitude is vital to becoming a hacker.

    Saturday, March 22, 2014

    Introduction to TCP/IP.


    That means packets! Datagrams! Ping oversize packet denial of service exploit explained. But this hack is a lot less mostly harmless than most. Don't try this at home...

    If you have been on the Happy Hacker list for a while, you've been getting some items forwarded from the Bug traq list on a new ping packet exploit.
    Now if this has been sounding like gibberish to you, relax. It is really very simple. In fact, it is so simple that if you use Windows 95, by the time you finish this article you will know a simple, one-line command that you could use to crash many Internet hosts and routers.

    YOU CAN GO TO JAIL WARNING: This time I'm not going to implore the wannabe evil genius types on this list to be virtuous and resist the temptation to misuse the information I'm about to give them. See if I care! If one of those guys gets caught crashing thousands of Internet hosts and routers, not only will they go to jail and get a big fine. We'll all think he or she is a dork. This exploit is a no-brainer, one-line command from Windows 95. Yeah, the operating system that is designed for clueless morons. So there is nothing elite about this hack. What is elite is being able to thwart this attack.

    NEWBIE NOTE: If packets, datagrams, and TCP/IP aren't exactly your bosom buddies yet, believe me, you need to really get in bed with them in order to call yourself a hacker. So hang in here for some technical stuff. When
    we are done, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you could wreak havoc on the Internet, but are too elite to do so.
    A packet is a way to send information electronically that keeps out errors. The idea is that no transmission technology is perfect. Have you ever played the game "telephone"? You get a dozen or so people in a circle and the first person whispers a message to the second. Something like "The bun is the lowest form of wheat." The second person whispers to the third, "A bum is the lowest form of cheating." The third whispers, "Rum is the lowest form of
    drinking." And so on. It's really fun to find out how far the message can mutate as it goes around the circle.
    But when, for example, you get email, you would prefer that it isn't messed up. So the computer that sends the email breaks it up into little pieces called datagrams. Then it wraps things around each datagram that tell what
    computer it needs to go to, where it came from, and that check whether the datagram might have been garbled. These wrapped up datagram packages are called "packets."
    Now if the computer sending email to you were to package a really long message into just one packet, chances are pretty high that it will get messed up while on its way to the other computer. Bit burps. So when the receiving computer checks the packet and finds that it got messed up, it
    will throw it away and tell the other computer to send it again. It could take a long time until this giant packet gets through intact.
    But if the message is broken into a lot of little pieces and wrapped up into bunches of packets, most of them will be good and the receiving computer will keep them. It will then tell the sending computer to retransmit just the packets that messed up. Then when all the pieces finally get there, the receiving computer puts them together in the right order and lo and behold, there is the complete, error-free email.
    TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It tells computers that are hooked up to the Internet how to package up messages into packets and how to read packets these packets from other computers. Ping uses TCP/IP to make its packets.

    "Ping" is a command that sends a feeler out from your computer to another computer to see if it is turned on and hooked to the same network you are on. On the Internet there are some ten million computers that you can ping.
    Ping is a command you can give, for example, from the Unix, Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. It is part of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which is used to troubleshoot TCP/IP networks. What it does is tell a remote computer to echo back a ping. So if you get your ping
    back, you know that computer is alive. Furthermore, some forms of the ping command will also tell you how long it takes for a message to go out to that computer and come back again.
    But how does your computer know that the ping it just sent out actually echoed back from the targeted computer? The datagram is the answer. The ping sent out a datagram. If the returning ping holds this same datagram, you know it was your ping that just echoed back.
    The basic format of this command is simply:
    ping hostname
    where "hostname" is the Internet address of the computer you want to check out.
    When I give this command from Sun Release 4.1 Unix, I get the answer "hostname is alive."

    TECHNICAL TIP: Because of the destructive powers of ping, many Internet Service Providers hide the ping program in their shell accounts where clueless newbies can't get their hands on it. If your shell account says "command not found" when you enter the ping command, try:
    /usr/etc/ping hostname
    If this doesn't work, either try the command “whereis ping” or complain to your ISP's tech support. They may have ddiabled ping for ordinary users, but if you convince tech support you are a good Internet citizen they may let you use it.

    NEWBIE NOTE: You say you can't find a way to ping from your on-line service? That may be because you don't have a shell account. But there is one thing you really need in order to hack: A SHELL ACCOUNT!!!!
    The reason hackers make fun of people with America Online accounts is because that ISP doesn't give out shell accounts. This is because America Online wants you to be good boys and girls and not hack!
    A "shell account" is an Internet account in which your computer becomes a terminal of one of your ISP's host computers. Once you are in the "shell" you can give commands to the operating system (which is usually Unix) just
    like you were sitting there at the console of one of your ISP's hosts.
    You may already have a shell account but just not know how to log on to it. Call tech support with your ISP to find out whether you have one, and how to get on it.

    There are all sorts of fancy variations on the ping command. And, guess what, whenever there is a command you give over the Internet that has lots of variations, you can just about count on there being something hackable in there. Muhahaha!
    The flood ping is a simple example. If your operating system will let you get away with giving the command:
    -> ping -f hostname
    it sends out a veritable flood of pings, as fast as your ISP's host machine can make them. This keeps the host you've targeted so busy echoing back your pings that it can do little else. It also puts a heavy load on the network.
    Hackers with primitive skill levels will sometimes get together and use several of their computers at once to simultaneously ping some victim's Internet host computer. This will generally keep the victim's computer too
    busy to do anything else. It may even crash. However, the down side (from the attackers' viewpoint) is that it keeps the attackers' computers tied up, too.

    NETIQUETTE NOTE: Flood pinging a computer is extremely rude. Get caught doing this and you will be lucky if the worst that happens is your on-line service provider closes your account. Do this to a serious hacker and you may need an identity transplant.
    If you should start a flood ping kind of by accident, you can shut it off by holding down the control key and pressing "c" (control-c).

    EVIL GENIUS TIP: Ping yourself! If you are using some sort of Unix, your operating system will let you use your computer to do just about anything to itself that it can do to other computers. The network address that takes you back to your own host computer is localhost (or

    Saturday, March 15, 2014

    The Nokia X is the Finnish company’s first Android smartphone. That’s not a sentence I ever thought I’d say, but apparently 2014 is the year where anything can happen.
    This phone has really agitated tech pundits around the globe. Why is Nokia doing this? Isnt it in completely the opposite direction of Windows Phone? What’s up with that UI?
    Well, here’s what you need to know. The Nokia X does runs Android, technically, but it’s nothing like any Android UI you’ve ever seen. It also features a really eye-catching design, solid build quality, Nokia’s software, and is available at an incredibly competitive pricetag. Does that make the Nokia X more value for money than other phones in this price range? Is it better than the similarly priced Lumia 520 or Lumia 525?

    Read on for Nokia X Review.

    The Nokia X comes with your usual set of in-box contents.
    There’s the charger, the microUSB-to-USB cable, the headset, and user manuals.

    The Design:-

    Nokia X Review
    In many ways, the Nokia X is the phone a lot of Android fans were waiting for. But not quite. It’s not a flagship phone, on the other hand it aims for the completely opposite side of the market. But as I said earlier, that UI is unlike anything you’ve ever seen on Android before.
    The Nokia X is the start of what will eventually be a family of smartphones, with more variants apparently coming later this year. For now, they’re starting with the X, which is a monoblock smartphone with a 4 inch touchscreen, that costs just Rs 8599 here in India (and about €89 or about $122 unlocked everywhere else).

    Nokia’s known for their beautifully constructed handsets, with the N9 and the Lumia phones being the latest in that legacy, so it’s no surprise that the Nokia X features striking design, as well. There’s a very Asha-like matte plastic all around, hugging a display with just a lone ‘back’ button below it, much like a larger Nokia Asha 501. There’s certainly elements borrowed from both the Asha and Lumia design teams.

    Nokia X Review
    Since this phone is aimed at the budget conscious market, it might not be as premium looking at some high end phones. That being said, the solid build feels so high quality in the hand that I honestly think the Nokia X build quality puts some flagship phones to shame. No creaks or squeaks at all, and should you inadvertently scratch the plastic, the polycarbonate body is colored all the way through, which helps hide any scuffs.
    Measuring 115.5 x 63 x 10.4 mm, and weighing just 128.7 grams, the Nokia X is really easy to hold, and very comfortable thanks to the curved edges. It nestles in your hand very nicely, and the screen, though relatively small compared to most Android phones today, is the same size, diagonally, as the iPhone 5s. As a result, the Nokia X is very easy to use single handedly, and your thumb can probably reach all corners of the screen.
    Measuring 115.5 x 63 x 10.4 mm, and weighing just 128.7 grams, the Nokia X is really easy to hold, and very comfortable thanks to the curved edges. It nestles in your hand very nicely, and the screen, though relatively small compared to most Android phones today, is the same size, diagonally, as the iPhone 5s. As a result, the Nokia X is very easy to use single handedly, and your thumb can probably reach all corners of the screen.

    Nokia X Review
    Coming to the front of the Nokia X, you’ll find a large, 4 inch IPS LCD WVGA 800 x 480 pixels resolution display. That’s not a lot of pixels for a screen that large, at 233 ppi pixel density.
    As a result, the screen can be a tiny bit pixelated. For most folks, this screen will be absolutely fine, to be honest, but if you’ve used a 720p or higher resolution display, you will probably notice the jagged edges on text or icons.
    Apart from that, it’s an okay-ish display, with good color reproduction and decent viewing angles (for this price tag). Contrast is also strong, probably helped by the smorgasbord of colour from all the live-tile-like-UI.That being said, while the display can get quite bright, the auto-brightness setting is a bit aggressive sometimes and even at full brightness, the screen washes out in direct sunlight which makes it a bit hard to use outside. It also attracts finger grease and smudges awfully easily.
    Above the display, you have a centrally located earpiece. There’s no ambient light sensor (apparently) but there’s a proximity sensor hidden somewhere here, which turns off the screen as you place it near your ear when on phone calls. So that your ear doesnt make any phone calls of it’s own.
    WP_20140311_16_41_18_ProwtmkBelow the screen, there’s a lone back button, which is a completely different layout than almost entirely all Android phones out there. You use the back button to exit apps or switch between the homescreen view and the ‘fastlane’ view. There’s no multi-tasking menu and hence no key for that.
    At the top, you’ll find a lone 3.5 mm audio jack, while at the bottom you’ll find a lone microUSB port. The Nokia X does not come with a microUSB-to-USB cable so you’ll need to buy one separately to use this port for connectivity.
    The left side of the Nokia X is barren of any ports or buttons, but the right side of the phone has a power/lock button and volume rocker.
    Nokia X ReviewComing to the back, the Nokia X has a pretty simple rear panel, with just the 3 Megapixel fixed-focus camera, Nokia branding in the center, and a tiny speaker grille.

     As I mentioned earlier, the entire rear panel can be removed, and gives you access to two SIM card slots, a microSD card slot, and a removable 1500 mAh battery.
    As I mentioned earlier, the entire rear panel can be removed, and gives you access to two SIM card slots, a microSD card slot, and a removable 1500 mAh battery.
    At the end of the day, the Nokia X has a simplistic design that isnt overly flashy even inspite of the bright colors. It sits nicely in the hand, and boasts great build quality which gives you that ‘classic Nokia quality’ assurance that it could probably survive a drop or two. Or three. And so forth.

    The Hardware:-

    The Nokia X is not a powerhouse by any means. The Finnish company’s first Android smartphone features a 1Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Play dual-core CPU with an Adreno 203, and just 512MB of RAM (While the slightly higher priced Nokia X+ features 768MB RAM). There’s 4GB of internal memory (out of which only about 1.3GB is available to use) with a microSD card slot. There’s no microSD card included with the Nokia X but we’ve been told that the Nokia X+ will come with a 4GB microSD card slot pre-loaded.
    Those specs might not sound very impressive until you look at the price tag. It’s more than enough to provide a decent enough smartphone experience. Though in terms of benchmarks it’s definitely far, far away from flagship Android phones.

    On this hardware, the Nokia X UI chugs along smoothly enough but it does stutter a fair bit. The best way I could put it, is that the Nokia X UI is smoother than an Asha 501, but not as smooth as something you’d see on a Nexus 5 that costs about $250 more, or the Moto G (8GB) which costs about $100 more. You do see bits of lag here and there, and an app can take one whole second (or two) to start up after you tap it’s app icon. Once you’re in an app though, everything is smooth enough. For example, Twitter works great, even Facebook works okay-ish (which is huge considering how laggy it can get on even flagship Android phones), and the pre-loaded games like Fruit Ninja and Tetris are very playable. That being said, a very small selection of Android apps might not work on phones with just 512MB of RAM, and heavy apps do take a while (between 3-4 seconds) to start up. Heavy websites tend to drive the browser a little nuts, as well.

    Screenshot_2014-03-14-14-45-37Apart from those specs, the Nokia X features 3G, Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth v3.0 with A2DP, FM Radio, and Dual-SIM support. In terms of connectivity, that’s not too bad at all. Sure there’s no LTE, but considering the developing-markets target, it’s not really that big a concern.



    The Software:-

    The Nokia X runs Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. Technically.
    The thing is, it looks nothing like Android Jelly Bean, or any version of Android for that matter. Most manufacturers usually create a UI that look atleast somewhat like stock Android, but Nokia’s UI looks more like a mashup of Windows Phone and Asha UI. Infact, put an Asha 5xx series phone next to the Nokia X, and it would be hard for most people to realize which phone runs Android.
     Officially, the Nokia X runs “Nokia X software platform 1.0.”


     What does that mean? Well, the Nokia X runs a forked version of Android 4.1.2 that uses Google’s standard AOSP but doesn’t actually have access to any of Google’s suite of services. As such, there’s no Google Play Store, no Google Maps, no Gmail, none of that. Instead, Nokia has tried to focus it all on Microsoft’s Cloud services and their own apps. In select countries, the Nokia X will come with one whole month’s worth of unlimited international calls via Skype, but due to regulatory issues (with the Indian government) that offer is not available here in India. There’s also lots of OneDrive integration, Outlook, and ofcourse Nokia’s own HERE Maps, Nokia MixRadio and so forth.


    Screenshot_2014-03-14-13-39-32With Microsoft taking over Nokia anyday now, I’m not entirely certain what this means for the Nokia X line of devices, or why Microsoft allowed Nokia to go ahead with this project at all, but this would allow Microsoft to get way more users dependent on their services, which I’m guessing they are really looking forward to. The only reason Microsoft would want you to buy the Nokia X, is because you’d get so used to this UI and their services, so when it’s time to upgrade, a move to Windows Phone would seem logical.
    Flipping through the UI is quick enough and generally navigation is smooth. The simplistic UI is probably the most intriguing thing about the Nokia X, and it’s pretty well organized, a lot like Windows Phone. The Nokia X launcher has a series of neatly arranged “tiles”, all on one screen. you can add folders, and even widgets, all in one single long-scrolling pane, which is a very new take on the Android app drawer menu. The animated tiles are essentially just a clever way of doing Android widgets, and it looks great. The icons even act as live tiles, telling you, for example, how many unread emails you have, or how many new SMS messages, etc.

    You can also add Android widgets to this screen, but it kinda ends up looking messy if you do. Still, it’s nice that we have the option.
    There’s the same notification dropdown that you’d expect from any Android phone, but it’s more like the Asha 5xx’s UI, where it doesnt really list all your notifications.
    Screenshot_2014-03-10-22-17-59Instead your notifications are sent to another screen area called “Fastlane”. Fastlane is a kind-of “notification menu” that is a swipe away from the main menu, and lists all your notifications, and whatever apps you re

    cently used or events you performed on your phone, or available app updates from the Nokia Store, in the chronological order that they’ve happened. For example, suppose you get an email but then use Instagram after, the Fastlane section will list the new email as an event, with Instagram being the recent app used, on top of it. You can customize what appears here and what apps you want to be notified about, even delete notifications or items you no longer want to be listed, but I’m not entirely sure it’s the best way to handle notifications. It definitely takes a bit of getting used to. Folks who’ve used the Nokia N9 or any of the Asha 500 series phones will find this familiar. There are also relevant shortcut operations such as replying to a message, returning the call of a contact, or resuming music playback, etc.

    Most Android users would be a little freaked out by not having all their notifications listed in one place, in the dropdown, and might even find fastlane to be a bit maddening. But folks who have never used an Android phone, or any smartphone for that matter, might actually get along with this pretty well.
    All of this and there’s just one single touch-sensitive button under the display: tap to go back a step, tap and hold to return to the homescreen. Very easy to figure out. Also worth mentioning, is that there’s even the ability to change the colour of some apps to match your theme, but you cant do this to all app icons, which means this feature is kinda useless.
    Apart from the fast lane, even the onboard apps look very different from what you’d see on your average Android phone. All the core apps look more like they were inspired by the Nokia N9, than what Google intended them to look like. Fans of the N9 will immediately recognize certain elements, like the clock app.
    Ofcourse there are also a few third party apps pre-installed, such as Twitter, Facebook, Opera Mobile, WeChat, Astro File Manager, BBM, and more. There’s also a whole bunch of games such as Fruit Ninja, SimCity Deluxe, Real Football 2, Kingdoms and Lords, Bejeweled 2, Monopoly, Green Farm 3, The Game of Life, and Wonder Zoo. Although it doesn’t use the official Google Play Store, the Nokia X comes with the Nokia Store preloaded.
    According to Nokia, developers just need to slap in a few lines of code (a mere three new APIs) into the same APK that they use for standard Android builds of their apps, before submitting it to Nokia and getting certified and listed on the Nokia Store. As such, it should be easy for developers to bring their apps over, but only time will tell as to how many apps get listed, and by how many developers. The company is hoping that the fact that the Nokia Store has support for in-app purchases and carrier operator billing (which is very useful in developing countries where people dont always have credit cards), are also tempting enough for developers.You can always install a third party app store like the Amazon App Store, or just manually find APK files and sideload or install them. All you have to do is go to settings -> Security and make sure “Allow Installation of apps from unknown sources” is checked. Nokia stated at the launch that their UX is built on top of AOSP, so technically anything within the AOSP is possible to do on the X, which means widgets, launchers, ROMS and more should be coming along soon enough.
    Now, all this means that the Nokia X has access to almost any Android app that can run on 512MB of RAM and doesnt require Google services. But hunting for APK files can be quite tedious. Hopefully the Nokia Store for Nokia X will improve quickly.
    Coming to text input, Typing is easy enough thanks to the onscreen Nokia-designed keyboard which includes swiping gestures to type (similar to Swipe or SwiftKey).
    The keyboard might feel a little cramped for some folks out there, even though there’s a huge 4 inch screen here. In some regions, popular 3rd party Android keyboard SwiftKey is pre-installed. You can always download it from the Nokia Store if it is.
    Nokia’s messaging app is simple and straightforward to use but setting up email is a bit tedious. I wish Nokia made the setup process a little simpler, because currently it asks you for way more information than just your email address and password, even for outlook or gmail accounts. When you try to add a new email account, it’ll ask you if you want to setup a corporate account or just “Email”. Selecting email then asks you for your username and password, but the next step after is to ask you whether it’s a POP, IMAP or Exchange account, which is most definitely going to confuse certain users.

    Choosing IMAP, then asks you for the IMAP server address, port number, security type, etc which is just way more complicated than setting up a basic Outlook/Hotmail account should be in this day and age.

    Screenshot_2014-03-10-13-24-42Ironically, adding your Gmail email on the other hand, just requires your email address and password, heh. The only thing it asks you, in Gmail’s case, is how often

    to refresh inbox (every 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes, every hour or never), automatically download attachments, and whether it should notify you about new email.
    Speaking of which, you can sync your Gmail email over just fine, but it’s almost entirely impossible to sync over your Google Contacts or Google Calendar. Atleast I havent been able to figure out a way to, so far. There’s always the old fashioned way of exporting all your Gmail contacts in vcard (vcf) format, and then place it on an sd card, and then import them in to the Nokia X. You can pull in contacts from any corporate account, though. The Contacts app is also pretty simple, and can pull in your Facebook contacts (though I assume this is because the Facebook app is pre-installed) and probably more services going forward.
    Coming to web browsing, the Nokia browser does a good enough job, and there’s support for tabs as well.

    There’s also Opera Mobile pre-installed which is a way better browser, in my opinion. Unfortunately Google Chrome does not work on the Nokia X, even if you manage to find an APK file and install it. Websites look okay on that 4 inch screen, though the low resolution means you’ll have to do a lot of scrolling around.

    As you can probably guess, the default search engine in the Nokia browser, is Bing.

    Moving on to multimedia, the Nokia X gallery app is a slightly prettier version of what you’d see on most Android phones, listing your images by album based on type (camera roll, screenshots, etc) and in a grid of thumbnails. You can set images as wallpaper, rotate them, watch a slideshow, or even edit images to throw in a filter, or crop them. The Nokia X can playback MP4 (H.264/H.263) video but only upto 480p resolution.

    The music player app and FM Radio app work just you’d expect them to. The FM radio requires a headset to be plugged in, while the Music Player UI is straightforward and simple to use. That being said, I much prefer Nokia’s MixRadio streaming service for all my music needs.

    At the end of the day, while the Nokia X does run Android, it’s UI looks and behaves completely differently, in strong contrast compared to your average Android experience. Whether you like the Nokia X UI or not is probably a matter of personal taste, but you can always install a third party launcher like Nova launcher to change things up. When people thought of Nokia’s solid build quality and great qualities, paired with the flexibility and app ecosystem of Google’s Android, this was certainly not what they meant. As such, most users buying the Nokia X “because it runs Android” might be a little put off by the UI. And it’s definitely not meant for powerusers.
    There’s not even any guarantee that this version of Android will be updated. It’s never easy to predict, even for standard Android phones, much less one that is forked. Nokia has been sensible with how the OS and UI are handled, and they’re two separate components, so that Nokia can individually update the interface layer of its “Nokia X Software Platform” independently from the underlying Android OS. That makes a lot of sense considering the update delays we’ve seen from some Android OEMs, who have to wait to tweak their customized UIs until Google releases a more significant OS update. The company has stated that they will update the Nokia X software, or individual services, based on “consumer need” so there should be, at the very least, security updates coming along.
    But folks on a budget, who are new to smartphones or just phones in general, might actually really get along with the Nokia X, fastlane and all. And it’s that crowd that Nokia is hoping the Nokia X appeals to.

    The Camera:-

    The Nokia X features a 3 megapixel fixed-focus rear camera. I’m not entirely sure why Nokia chose to go with a fixed-focus camera, but it’s possibly just price related reasons to keep it as affordable as possible. I’ve been too badly scarred by the old EDoF days when a few of Nokia’s Eseries Symbian phones like the Nokia E7 had fixed focus cameras, so I’ve never been a fan of them. And a fixed focus 3 megapixel camera in 2014, when 5 megapixel cameras on Android should be the bare minimum, it’s slightly annoying. But hey, they tried to keep costs down.
    The Camera app is really basic as well, with a photo mode, panorama mode, and video mode. There’s even built-in face detection. The UI is a lot cleaner than most Android cameras, and the settings menu has a whole bunch of options to tweak, even built-in color effects. Camera shot-to-shot time is about 2-3 seconds, and there is the bit of shutter lag every so often, depending on the scenario.
    As you can imagine, camera quality is just barely average. For that price range, you cant really expect much. As long as the object you’re taking a picture of isnt too close, or too far, the fixed-focus camera does an okay job. Dont even dream about getting ‘macro’ close up shots with this thing.
    In bright daylight, images are okay, with good color reproduction and decent dynamic range. Since it’s a fixed focus lens, anything that’s too close or too far away wont be in focus. Otherwise the 1/5 inch sensor does an okay job for this price range. Dont expect to be taking any award winning shots with this camera, but the Nokia X camera is okay for pictures of your friends and general scenery. There’s no front facing camera though, which means no selfies or video calls for that matter.
    In lowlight, images can get pretty bad. Lowlight performance wasnt a priority with this phone, and since there’s no LED flash, you’re better off just not taking pictures in lowlight scenarios.


    Coming to video, it’s kind-of terrible. Again, it’s fixed focus, and performance in in daylight is good, while lowlight performance is very noisy. The Nokia X video camera maxes out at 480p resolution, at upto 30 frames per second. You can record upto 30 minutes of video, though the default setting is upto 10 minutes

    The Call Quality:-

    Call quality is never usually a problem on Nokia phones and that’s the same story here.
    Calls come in clear, and the earpiece is good but could have been slightly louder, in my opinion.
    There’s apparently noise cancellation onboard but I’m not entirely sure about that. Regardless, folks on the other end of our calls said we sounded loud and clear.

    The Battery Life:-

    Screenshot_2014-03-14-14-41-45The Nokia X features a 1500 mAh battery. Considering it’s powering a dual-core processor, Android, and a 4 inch IPS display, that’s an okay amount of power.

    Officially, the Nokia X is rated at up to 26 hours of music playback, or up to 13 hours, 20 minutes of standby on 2G (and 10 hours, 30 minutes on 3G).
    In my time with it, I got very average battery life out of the Nokia X. It’ll last for about a day’s worth of average use (on 3G), but heavy use on a proper work day means you’ll need to charge it up before you head home for the evening. My network (Airtel in India) has terrible 3G coverage in Delhi, so this might be subjective.



    The Dual-SIM:-

    Screenshot_1980-01-06-18-20-48The Nokia X family of phones come in both Dual-SIM and Single-SIM versions but some regions might only get one variant of it. India, for example, will only get the Dual-SIM version.

    That being said, only SIM 1 supports 3G.

    The Conclusion:-

    While it’s great to see Nokia explore Android as an alternative to Windows Phone and S40, the Nokia X probably wont appeal to your usual Android fan. Mostly because of the very-windows-phone-like UI and the absolute lack of Google services.
    But that being said, I actually really think it might be great for first time smartphone users. Or just folks looking to get something as simple and solid as one of Nokia’s Asha or S40 phone, but with access to a lot more apps and general functionality.
    The Nokia X is a really hard phone to work out. On one hand, it’s a really affordable phone with expectedly budget specs. On the other hand, it’s not much better than the Nokia Lumia 520 which sits above it in the product line but is now priced very similarly. The only advantage the Nokia X has over the 520, in my opinion, is access to a lot more apps. Almost any Android app that can run on 512MB of RAM will work on the Nokia X, but the challenge would be finding all those apps or apk files outside of the Nokia Store. For example, Instagram isnt (at the time of this post) available on the Nokia Store for the Nokia X, nor is it on the Amazon Store, so you’ll have to hunt around for the .apk installation file.
    It’s also important to note that you cant really compare the Nokia X with something along the likes of the Moto G. The Finnish Android phone isnt aimed at the same crowd at all, rather the Nokia X is a phone meant more for parts of the developing world where Android phones are sold at a really low average price point, but can still perform the basic tasks that you’d expect from it. There are some other worries too. While there is a microSD card slot, the 4GB of internal memory can get filled up awfully quickly. That camera isnt too great either, and battery life is fairly average for an Android phone, but that isnt really saying much.
    At the end of the day, the Nokia X is a well constructed smartphone that has an straightforward UI, a nice display and integration with Microsoft’s services, Nokia’s Maps and Music services, as well as a lot more apps than Windows Phones currently have.

    Hi readers, today I'm not gonna share any tutorial or Hack but a short guide, which I've experienced in my learning carrier. Well It's been completely one year! to me in this field (Not Pro, neither Expert!) still a learner. But have you ever thought why experienced Hacker/Researcher always recommend us to learn Programming & Networking before engaging in Hacking ? Well that's what we're supposed to discuss in this post.

    When | Where | How | - can I learning Hacking ?

    I've started this with the term 'Hacking' - If you're reading this then probably you want to become a Hacker. But do you really think it is so easy to become Hacker ?. Well let it be up to you, so what do i need to become Hacker ?

    First of all you must have two things in your soul : Passion & Determination. This all isn't just a words but a power to change everything. If you've passion and determination you can do anything. Well in short You've to do little hard work with little sacrifices. Let's reinforce each question with easy answers and have a little chat.

    When Can I Learn Hacking ? (Sounds Like : Eligibility to become Hacker)

    Well, up till now even you've realized that becoming hacker isn't that much easy! it requires lots of experience and knowledge in Software, Networking, Programming, Web Application etc. Eligibility ? Did I used any wrong word ? Let it be, there's no age limit to learn Hacking. So what is the eligibility ?

    You can start learning Hacking - When you've at least 50% to 60% knowledge in Software and Web Application Programming. The second most important thing you should know Networking - At least 60%.

    Why everyone recommend to learn Programming first before Hacking ?

    It's simple, tell me how Software, Web Apps are made ? - Programming Languages. Almost every technology runs on Programming Language. So if you want to break (Hack) software, You must know Programming Languages. Because You're going to Hack/Crack it - Simply if you don't know Programming - So how'll you understand how it is made ? How it is working ? What's its weakness point. These questions matters! a lot.

    What about Networking ? They recommend Networking too!

    Almost everywhere is network! - Softwares are moving on Cloud. Cloud based technology is evolving very fast. Every Web Applications runs on Network - TCP/IP and Servers. It's highly recommended you to learn and understand how those Protocols - and technology communicates with each others on Internet. How Computer Network, Servers, Client communicates with each others.

    But From Where Can I Learn Programming/Networking & Hacking ?

    If you're asking from where ? well even a small kid will laugh on you. Okay! There're so many resources, sites, wiki, blogs, white/black hat videos, tutorials, forums etc to learn almost everything. If you can't understand - ask for help in learning, explaining or Join any Programming/Hacking/Networking coaching. But there's no need to waste money! just with little effort you can learn in free at your home. Even we share plenty of articles, Tutorials. Join Forums, Get connected to Blogs, read Wiki's, Google each and every query you get into your mind. Read White Papers, Learn Programming from millions of sites - Search on Google. For Networking do same.
    Okay Now the final & Most Important query - 

    How can i learn Hacking ?

    This question doesn't make sense, How Can I Learn Hacking. If you're good in Programming and Networking - You can start learning Hacking. It'll be easy and understandable for you. Programming - Networking - Hacking.

    We've discussed and answered some important questions, but what is the main thing in this Process ? - Whether you've Passion and Determination or Not. See even i'm learner, I understand how it feels. But never ever give-up! Be confident, Passionate, Inspired and Determined on your task.

    Feel free to comment and ask question. This is openly written by our admin Viv, according to his knowledge & experience. Thank you.
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