Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hello friends,
This time I am here with a modded UC Browser v9.4 with free net from Aircel, unlimited browsing and download in Nokia s40 phones.
This have been checked in Assam and it works fine here.
Please check it in your state and let us know in the comment, whether it works or not.
I am 99% sure, that it will work.
Modding Credit: mahender424888
So, first download the modded UC Browser from below:

after that download the prov file from here:
If the files asks for password, enter as mob2web 
So, after downloading the prov file, sent it to any non supported prov phones, like samsung. Then send the prov file again to your phone. It will be received as a configuration message. Save it and set it as default.
Now, open the UC Browser, and enjoy!
If you face any problem, feel free to comment here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When you first turn on you computer (BEFORE DIALING INTO YOUR ISP),
open a MS-DOS Prompt window (start/programs MS-DOS Prompt).
Then type netstat -arn and press the Enter key.
Your screen should display the following (without the dotted lines
which I added for clarification).

Active Routes:

  Network Address          Netmask  Gateway Address        Interface  Metric      1      1

Route Table

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State


If you see anything else, there might be a problem (more on that later).
Now dial into your ISP, once you are connected;
go back to the MS-DOS Prompt and run the same command as before
netstat -arn, this time it will look similar to the following (without
dotted lines).


Active Routes:

  Network Address          Netmask  Gateway Address        Interface  Metric
      1      1      1      1      1      1      1

Route Table

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP                  LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  UDP      *:*      


What you are seeing in the first section (Active Routes) under the heading of
Network Address are some additional lines. The only ones that should be there
are ones belonging to your ISP (more on that later). In the second section
(Route Table) under Local Address you are seeing the IP address that your ISP
assigned you (in this example

The numbers are divided into four dot notations, the first three should be
the same for both sets, while in this case the .70 is the unique number
assigned for THIS session. Next time you dial in that number will more than
likely be different.

To make sure that the first three notation are as they should be, we will run
one more command from the MS-DOS window.
From the MS-DOS Prompt type tracert / or .net
or whatever it ends in. Following is an example of the output you should see.


Tracing route to / []over a maximum of 30 hops:
1  128 ms  2084 ms  102 ms []
2  115 ms  188 ms  117 ms []
3  108 ms  116 ms  119 ms []
Trace complete.


You will see that on lines with the 1 and 2 the first three notations of the
address match with what we saw above, which is a good thing. If it does not,
then some further investigation is needed.

If everything matches like above, you can almost breath easier. Another thing
which should you should check is programs launched during startup. To find
these, Click start/programs/startup, look at what shows up. You should be
able to recognize everything there, if not, once again more investigation is


Now just because everything reported out like we expected (and demonstrated
above) we still are not out of the woods. How is this so, you ask? Do you use
Netmeeting? Do you get on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)? Or any other program
that makes use of the Internet. Have you every recieved an email with an
attachment that ended in .exe? The list goes on and on, basically anything
that you run could have become infected with a trojan. What this means, is
the program appears to do what you expect, but also does just a little more.
This little more could be blasting or one of the other sites that
CNNlive was talking about.

What can you do? Well some anti-virus software will detect some trojans.
Another (tedious) thing is to start each of these "extra" Internet programs
one at a time and go through the last two steps above, looking at the routes
and connection the program uses. However, the tricky part will be figuring
out where to tracert to in order to find out if the addresses you see in
step 2 are "safe" or not. I should forewarn you, that running tracert after
tracert, after tracert might be considered "improper" by your ISP. The steps
outlined above may not work exactly as I have stated depending upon your ISP,
but with a true ISP it should work. Finally, this advise comes with NO
warranty and by following my "hints' you implicitly release me from ANY and
ALL liability which you may incur.

 Other options

Display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
Netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p proto] [-r] [intervals]

-a.. Display all connections and listening ports.
-e.. Display Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-n.. Diplays address and port numbers in the numerical form.
-p proto..Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be
TCP or UDP. If used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics,
proto may be TCP, UDP, of IP.
-r.. Display the routing table.
-s.. Display per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP
UDP and IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default
interval..Redisplay selected statistics, pausing intervals seconds between each
display. If omitted. netstat will print the current configuration information

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Caught A Virus?

If you've let your guard down--or even if you haven't--it can be hard to tell if your PC is infected. Here's what to do if you suspect the worst.

Heard this one before? You must run antivirus software and keep it up to date or else your PC will get infected, you'll lose all your data, and you'll incur the wrath of every e-mail buddy you unknowingly infect because of your carelessness.

You know they're right. Yet for one reason or another, you're not running antivirus software, or you are but it's not up to date. Maybe you turned off your virus scanner because it conflicted with another program. Maybe you got tired of upgrading after you bought Antivirus. Or maybe your annual subscription of virus definitions recently expired, and you've put off renewing.

It happens. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But chances are, either you're infected right now, as we speak, or you will be very soon.

For a few days in late January, the Netsky.p worm was infecting about 2,500 PCs a day. Meanwhile the MySQL bot infected approximately 100 systems a minute (albeit not necessarily desktop PCs). As David Perry, global director of education for security software provider Trend Micro, puts it, "an unprotected [Windows] computer will become owned by a bot within 14 minutes."

Today's viruses, worms, and so-called bots--which turn your PC into a zombie that does the hacker's bidding (such as mass-mailing spam)--aren't going to announce their presence. Real viruses aren't like the ones in Hollywood movies that melt down whole networks in seconds and destroy alien spacecraft. They operate in the background, quietly altering data, stealing private operations, or using your PC for their own illegal ends. This makes them hard to spot if you're not well protected.

Is Your PC "Owned?"

I should start by saying that not every system oddity is due to a virus, worm, or bot. Is your system slowing down? Is your hard drive filling up rapidly? Are programs crashing without warning? These symptoms are more likely caused by Windows, or badly written legitimate programs, rather than malware. After all, people who write malware want to hide their program's presence. People who write commercial software put icons all over your desktop. Who's going to work harder to go unnoticed?

Other indicators that may, in fact, indicate that there's nothing that you need to worry about, include:

* An automated e-mail telling you that you're sending out infected mail. E-mail viruses and worms typically come from faked addresses.
* A frantic note from a friend saying they've been infected, and therefore so have you. This is likely a hoax. It's especially suspicious if the note tells you the virus can't be detected but you can get rid of it by deleting one simple file. Don't be fooled--and don't delete that file.

I'm not saying that you should ignore such warnings. Copy the subject line or a snippet from the body of the e-mail and plug it into your favorite search engine to see if other people have received the same note. A security site may have already pegged it as a hoax.

Sniffing Out an Infection

There are signs that indicate that your PC is actually infected. A lot of network activity coming from your system (when you're not actually using Internet) can be a good indicator that something is amiss. A good software firewall, such as ZoneAlarm, will ask your permission before letting anything leave your PC, and will give you enough information to help you judge if the outgoing data is legitimate. By the way, the firewall that comes with Windows, even the improved version in XP Service Pack 2, lacks this capability.

To put a network status light in your system tray, follow these steps: In Windows XP, choose Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, right-click the network connection you want to monitor, choose Properties, check "Show icon in notification area when connected," and click OK.

If you're interested in being a PC detective, you can sniff around further for malware. By hitting Ctrl-Alt-Delete in Windows, you'll bring up the Task Manager, which will show you the various processes your system is running. Most, if not all, are legit, but if you see a file name that looks suspicious, type it into a search engine and find out what it is.

Want another place to look? In Windows XP, click Start, Run, type "services.msc" in the box, and press Enter. You'll see detailed descriptions of the services Windows is running. Something look weird? Check with your search engine.

Finally, you can do more detective work by selecting Start, Run, and typing "msconfig" in the box. With this tool you not only see the services running, but also the programs that your system is launching at startup. Again, check for anything weird.

If any of these tools won't run--or if your security software won't run--that in itself is a good sign your computer is infected. Some viruses intentionally disable such programs as a way to protect themselves.

What to Do Next

Once you're fairly sure your system is infected, don't panic. There are steps you can take to assess the damage, depending on your current level of protection.

* If you don't have any antivirus software on your system (shame on you), or if the software has stopped working, stay online and go for a free scan at one of several Web sites. There's McAfee FreeScan, Symantec Security Check, and Trend Micro's HouseCall. If one doesn't find anything, try two. In fact, running a free online virus scan is a good way to double-check the work of your own local antivirus program. When you're done, buy or download a real antivirus program.
* If you have antivirus software, but it isn't active, get offline, unplug wires-- whatever it takes to stop your computer from communicating via the Internet. Then, promptly perform a scan with the installed software.
* If nothing seems to be working, do more research on the Web. There are several online virus libraries where you can find out about known viruses. These sites often provide instructions for removing viruses--if manual removal is possible--or a free removal tool if it isn't. Check out GriSOFT's Virus Encyclopedia, Eset's Virus Descriptions, McAffee's Virus Glossary, Symantec's Virus Encyclopedia, or Trend Micro's Virus Encyclopedia.

A Microgram of Prevention

Assuming your system is now clean, you need to make sure it stays that way. Preventing a breach of your computer's security is far more effective than cleaning up the mess afterwards. Start with a good security program, such Trend Micro's PC-Cillin, which you can buy for $50.

Don't want to shell out any money? You can cobble together security through free downloads, such as AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, ZoneAlarm (a personal firewall), and Ad-Aware SE (an antispyware tool).

Just make sure you keep all security software up to date. The bad guys constantly try out new ways to fool security programs. Any security tool without regular, easy (if not automatic) updates isn't worth your money or your time.

Speaking of updating, the same goes for Windows. Use Windows Update (it's right there on your Start Menu) to make sure you're getting all of the high priority updates. If you run Windows XP, make sure to get the Service Pack 2 update. To find out if you already have it, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. Under the General tab, under System, it should say "Service Pack 2."

Here are a few more pointers for a virus-free life:

* Be careful with e-mail. Set your e-mail software security settings to high. Don't open messages with generic-sounding subjects that don't apply specifically to you from people you don't know. Don't open an attachment unless you're expecting it.
* If you have broadband Internet access, such as DSL or cable, get a router, even if you only have one PC. A router adds an extra layer of protection because your PC is not connecting directly with the Internet.
* Check your Internet ports. These doorways between your computer and the Internet can be open, in which case your PC is very vulnerable; closed, but still somewhat vulnerable; or stealthed (or hidden), which is safest. Visit Gibson Research's Web site and run the free ShieldsUP test to see your ports' status. If some ports show up as closed--or worse yet, open--check your router's documentation to find out how to hide them.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Remove Ads from Java Apps and Games

Its been always very tough to handle mobile apps and game with ads, specially in the Java phones. So, today I am here with a tutorial which will help you to remove ads from any Java Apps/Games.

Tools required: Opera Mini Mod and BlueFTP

Now, simply follow this simple steps
1. Open BlueFTP.

2. Go to your _jar file.

3. Rename it to .zip at the end.

4. Open the file.

5. Go to options and select all the files.

6. Go to options and select extract.

7. Press options and make a new folder.

8. Open that folder.

9. Press options and select extract here.

10. Now BlueFTP is extracting files.

11. After extraction is completed, a dialog box will come up.

12. Now press options and click search.

13. Type 'vserv' in the box.

14. Go down and tick unknown files.

15. Press accept.
16. Now BlueFTP is searching for the file.

17. After it is found, press options and select go to item.

18. Press back and remember the path where it is located.
19. Now close BlueFTP.

20. Open Opera Mini Mod.

21. Go to File Manager.

22. Scroll to the 'vserv' file.

23. Open it in HEX mode.

24. Go to page 2.

25. Go to options and select find/replace.

26. Type '99 00 05 04' in the find box and '9a 00 05 04' in the replace box with the spaces intact. Make sure you check the replace checkbox.

27. Now Opera Mini Mod will replace that binary.

28. Press options and save the file.

29. Close Opera Mini.
30. Open BlueFTP and open the folder.

31. Press options and select all files.

32. Press options and select compress files (jar).

33. Type a name and press ok.

34. The new _jar file is your cracked app.

So, here I finish it. If you get any problems, kindly post it in the comments.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

An alert for all our readers! A fake news about the missing Malaysian plane flight number MH370 is being circulated all over the Internet in which scammers are luring users to earn money by clicking a malicious video.

First it will ask you to verify your age, just to feel like link is trustworthy.
  First it will ask you to verify your age, just to feel like link is trustworthy.
Once you click the link, it redirects you too a malicious website.
This is how the preview of scam links looks like
This is how the preview of scam links looks like
Note the URL address in the screenshot given below:
This is how the fake video scam link look on Facebook
This is how the fake video scam link look on Facebook
According to AlArabia, several articles and posts have been made on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms with catchy headlines and images such as:
  • Malaysia Plane (MH-370) Has Been Found Near Bermuda Triangle. BBC News: Recent Video Released!” 
The scam goes viral on Twitter
The scam goes viral on Twitter
  • Shocking Video: Malaysian Airlines missing flight MH370 found at sea”
  • Malaysian Airplane MH370 Already Found. Shocking Video Release Today by CNN”
  • Plane has been spotted somewhere near Bermuda triangle. Shocking videos released today. CNN news”
That is how it's preview on Facebook looks like
That is how it’s preview on Facebook looks like
  • MH370 Malaysia plane has been found. Shocking videos released today. Last video of passengers crying released”
Christopher Boyd of Malwarebytes blog wrote a brief analysis on the ongoing scam, according to which:
  • Unfortunately, we have to warn you that scammers are looking to make some money off the back of the disappearance of Flight MH370 via the usual social media channels. The links typically lead to fake news / video sites, and encourage visitors to share the links to social media channels then either fill in surveys or click on adverts. It goes without saying that they won’t be shown a crash video at the end of this process, because there is no crash video – just a sick hoax,”
This is not the first time when thugs and scammers have taken advantage of a heartbreaking incident. During the Philippines earthquake last year and Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011, similar scams went viral.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hacking & Security but Hacking is possible only when you're good in Programming. If you're champ in programming and Networking then Hacking is like a Piece of Cake for you, yeah it will take little long time, but it's really worthy.

Can I learn Hacking without Knowing Programming ?

Simply you can't, Listen guys daily I get many request to teach Hacking, Cracking, Defacing & Vulnerability hunting but basically I just tell them if you don't know Programming then you can't Hack anything, Yeah you can learn simple tricks, and some basic attacks only. But if you want to become Professional Hacker or Security Researcher then you'll have to become Champ in Programming and Networking. Guys Programming isn't too much hard just we need to concentrate and practice, practice & practice. If you'll understand Programming and Coding of Web-App, and Software then you'll simply understand weakness point of the App, You'll get to know HOW it works and you can create,explore, hack,learn and Earn.

Programming language is the base of Hacking, without Programming no one can learn Hacking, I mean Professional & Best Hacking methods like Vulnerability Hunting, Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, SQLi, XSS & Advance XSS methods etc.

So! How can I learn Programming ?

There're many ways to learn Programming languages, if you've passion in Hacking & Programming and you're Computer geek! then you can do it by yourself only : Yeah! you can use Google, E-books, Some Websites that teach us online Programming languages, or you can also learn in Group friendsJoin Classes.

What Should I learn ? to become Hacker ?

Well, this is our main Point of tutorial - So what should I learn ? First of all be passionate about Programming & Hacking. Trust in yourself & Be Passionate.

There are two fields in Hacking :

1. Web-Application Hacking
2. Software Cracking/Hacking

So, first of all make sure in which field you want to become best. If you'll ask me then I'll prefer you First Web Application Hacking & Programming, web Programming isn't too much Hard, you'll be able to understand Software Programming languages. Below is the Step by Step Languages Guide and Compulsory Programming languages for Hackers.

1. Web Application Hacking & Programming.

As you know that guys, Web Application are coded in different languages and methods using Advance Programming techniques and Codes, and if you'll learn all types of Web Programming and Coding then you'll be able to Hack it & find weakness point of Web App.

Important Programming languages for Hackers (Web App):
  •     HTML, JavaScript, & CSS (DHTML)
  •     PHP/ASP & SQL (Most Recommended - Server Side Scripting)
  •     Ajax, jQuery, & JSON - (Must know little bit)
  •     XML, DHTML.
  •     Networking - (TCP/IP, HTTP, SMPT, etc) Most recommended.
  •     Moving to advance stuffs like - (Python, C, Perl, and Ruby)

HTML is one of the famous and all time useful Web Programming languages, to develop website and contents it is strongly recommended you to learn HTML. Static and Dynamic generators. JavaScript and CSS is also useful for hackers to discover XSS flaws and Bypassing techniques.

PHP/ASP is strongly recommended you to learn because it is server side scripting languages. It's Dynamic Web-Apps Programming language. Now SQL, As you know that SQL Injection the technique of Injection attacks into DB, that can leak website sensitive data and also lead to Defacement. XML is also recommende to learn - Data transmission, SOAP technology etc.

AJAX, jQuery and JSON are lightweight fat client - programming languages, it's not highly recommended but you must know it's 50%.

Now Networking is also one of the mostly recommended thing you must learn. because without knowing it's flow, method, logic and Encoding/Decoding you won't understand how everything is going on. so the most important things you must know is - TCP/IP, SSL, HTTP, SMPT, Proxies and Other Protocols.

Unfortunately even i've not moved to advance stuffs like Python, Perl - Writing exploits, so no experience or knowledge. I'm still on programming, but i'll definitely post in future about Advance Scripting and writing Exploits.

2. Software Cracking/Hacking & Programming.

Okay! so now Software Cracking, Hacking & Programming is also very useful in Computer Hacking & Cracking Field. #Reverse Engineering, #Network, Adatpter, Wifi Cracking & Hacking, #Software Cracking #Virus #Trojan #Malware and etc methods used to hack , #Software and #Secret Service Information.

What you must know ?

  •     C Programmming
  •     C++
  •     Python
  •     UNIX/Linux
  •     VB & .Net
  •     Assembly Language (Most Important for Cracking & Hacking)

 Seven things you must know to become Hacker
  •     Right Definition & Meaning of Hacker.
  •     You must have Hacker Attitude & Confidence.
  •     Programming & Networking, (The Main thing beginner must know).
  •     Learn Networking, Linux, Start use Backtrack/Linux.
  •     Create Penetration testing lab and try to Hack it.
  •     Never Give-up in Hacking - (Always remember there is always a way).
  •     Stop Requesting Hackers to teach Hacking or (Hack for me).

Right Definition & Meaning of Hacker
You know guys, beginners, lamers and noobs think to Hack facebook account, they just learn Phishing, key-logging, Sniffing and some small tricks & techniques to steal passwords- But seriously that isn't a Hacking, That's a stealing method. Let's learn the real meaning of Hacker.

Hacker : A hacker is the one who search for vulnerabilities & flaws (weakness point of Web-Application or Software) and exploit it with different techniques and hack it or report it. There are only five purpose of hackers : Learn, Earn, Protest, Publicity, & Challenge. Simply hacker is awesome.

You must have an Hacker Attitude & Confidence

Hacker must have an attitude to break anything with their knowledge, talent & Experience. I saw that many people's says - I'll learn all Programming languages to become Hacker, but the fact is they give up and start believing, I don't need to learn Programming I can hack directly via exploits and small techniques!, but it's simply impossible. Even I too accept learning programming is not easy, but it ain't hard also. You must have confidence and an attitude to do something at any how condition, think like hacker - try to know how stuffs work ? think different from all, Be quite and Simply awesome guy with an attitude of ability to do something. Believe in what you see, feel and be the tech lover, just Program and Keep Calm - Never GIVE UP. Try to learn all types of Computer Technology start with Basic and go step by step! Feel like hacker, Make contacts with hackers and crackers.

Stop Requesting Hackers to teach Hacking or (Hack for me plz), this is very bad method learners use to talk with hackers, then only hackers understand that you're lamer and noob - After that he doesn't like to talk with you.
Learn by yourself or Join Hacking Institutes :

  •     CEH     :  Certified Ethical Hacker.
  •     CHFI    :  Computer Hacking Forensics Investigation.
  •     CCNA   :  Cisco Certified Networking Associate.
  •     CISSP  :  Certified Information System Security Professional.
  •     CCSN   : Certified Cyber Security Ninja.

Learn Programming

The main problem of all learners, beginners is that they don't want to learn Programming - I know it's hard but if you once stepped never look back and always remember that "Beginning part is always Hard!", Nothing is impossible. Go step-by-step in Programming field, Don't start with Hard parts.

Click here to know : Important Programming languages for Hackers.
Programming is the solution of all problems that learners faces in hacking, coding and learning. Programming is the source, base and the main point of Computer Application or Web Application.

- Without Learning Programming & Networking you cannot Hack anything.

Other Tips and Learning methods :

  •     Learn Networking.
  •     Learn Backtracking, Switch to Linux from Windows
  •     Always create Penetration testing lab and Penetrate yourself against web-app and some software
  •     Be Confident, Learn Programming as much as you can.
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