Friday, January 31, 2014

Penetration Testing(Pen Testing) is the act of evaluating the Security of system or network by exploiting vulnerabilities. This will determine whether unauthorized or malicious activity is possible in a system. Vulnerability uncovered through the Pen Testing will be presented to the system's owner.

Why Penetration Testing?

  • Pentetration testing can identify the vulnerabilities that is not identified by an automated vulnerability scanners.
  • Determining the feasibility of a particular set of attack vectors
  • Determining the Critical Vulerabilities .
  • Assessing the magnitude of potential business and operational impacts of successful attacks
  • Testing the ability of network defenders to successfully detect and respond to the attacks
  • Testing stability of the system against the DDOS attack.
White Box vs Black Box vs Grey Box Testing:
Penetration testing can be performed in different ways. The methods can be classified into three types based on the knowledge about the System being tested.
White Box:
In white box testing, Pen Tester know everything about the system such as source code,network diagrams, ip addressing info.

White box testing simulates what might happen during an "inside job" or after a "leak" of sensitive information, where the attacker(malicious insider) has access to source code, network layouts, and possibly even some passwords.

Black Box:
Pen Tester test the system without prior knowledge about the system. This method is also known as Blind Testing . Black box testing simulates an attack from someone who is unfamiliar(malicious outsiders) with the system.

Grey Box:
In this method, Pen Tester partially know about the system.

Web application penetration testing:
This testing will be used to find the following web application vulnerabilities:

  • SQL Injection
  • XSS(Cross site Scripting)
  • Buffer overflow
  • Clickjacking
  • DDOS
Penetration Testing Tool:
Penetration Testing tools are used as part of a penetration test to automate certain tasks, improve testing efficiency, and discover issues that might be difficult to find using manual analysis techniques alone.

As a Penetration Tester, you will need lot of Penetration testing tools to test the Security of system. Searching ,downloading and installing the required software may take time. You can use a Penetration Testing Distribution instead.

What is Pen Testing Distribution?
Penetration Testing Distribution is an open source Operating System(Derived from Linux/BSD) that combines all required application for testing the security of system. It is specially developed for Security Professionals(Pen Testers/EthicalHackers/Forensic Officers...)
Eg: Backtrack 5 Linux .

What is the advantage of Penetration Testing Distribution?
All Required application for security test are gathered in a single Operating system. You don't need to search for application, Save your time. Penetration Testing Distribution are open source and free to use. You can install in pen drive and bring it anywhere.

Monday, January 27, 2014

BackTrack Linux is a fine example of a specialized Linux distribution. Its only purpose is to test your network, devices, and systems for security vulnerabilities
. BackTrack is packed with every security and hacker tool used by security professionals and professional hackers. If you're looking for all of the tools in one place, this is it.

BackTrack is one of my favorite OS. First reason is it is made by world class hackers and second one is all hacking tools are available and last and third one, it is flavor of Linux. I can use it only on PC, Android is booming now these days... Now you can Install Back Track Linux OS on Android smartphones and tablets. Now it is possible to install and run Backtrack on your Android devices.


(1) Root
(2) 1GHZ processor (recommended)
(3) 512MB Ram (recommended)
(4) Android 1.6 or higher
(5) Back Track 5
 Kernel will loop device support (this is included in most custom ROM’s)
(6) SD card with at least 3.5GB of free space
(7) Data connection on your device

Following Android Apps:

1.BUSY BOX ( : It acts like a installer and needs root permission to has CPU cores and can run Linux kernels on android. click here

2. Superuser ( : This app just grants a superuser power to your phone just like "su " does for Linux. click here

3. Terminal Emulator ( : Terminal Emulator is app that runs a terminal console in android. click here

4. Android VNC ( : Android VNC is a tool for viewing VNC in Android.

How to Install Backtrack on Android Tablet or Phone?

Download the complete set of files you need from here:

to your phones internal SDcard in a directory called “BT5″ (cAsE sEnSiTiVe)
Launch "Terminal Emulator" from your phone and type (everything after the $: or #: is user input):
$: su
#: cd sdcard
#: cd BT5
#: sh bootbt
#: export USER=root
#: vncpasswd
(make up a password"ex: toortoor")
#: tightvncserver -geometry 1280x720

While Backtrack is loaded (when you see a red “root@localhost
“) start the VNC server by typing:root@localhost:~#: startvnc (stopvnc kills it)
Open 'AndroidVNC' and fill the form like this:
Nickname : BT5
Password : toortoor
Address :
Port : 5901

Connect it and you will see Backtrack 5 interface.

Remember: Some of the Backtrack tools can’t work properly and do it for your own risk. I hope you can Install Backtrack on Android tablet without any problems, tell me if you get problems.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

If your Pen Drive is infected with any of the following viruses:
* Autorun.inf
* new folder.exe
* Iexplorer.vbs
* Bha.vbs
* nfo.exe
* New_Folder.exe
* ravmon.exe
* RVHost.exe
or any other files with extension.

Actually this viruses are hidden and can't be seen even after
you enable show hidden folders.
Following simple dos command will change the attributes of
these files ,there after you can remove it by pressing delete

Follow these steps:
Step1.:Type cmd in Run
Step2.: Switch to the drive on which pen drive is connected
(like C:\> h: enter)
Step3.: type exactly as attrib -s -h *.* /s /d and hit enter
(don't forget spaces).

Now you can see hidden virus files and you can delete them.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Do you wanna enable copy-paste option in password field of your favorite browser like ucweb or operamini? Ok i have created a textbox Class for it which will allow you to copy or paste password in the password field as you will be able to see password. I mean your phone's default copy -paste option will appear in the password field. also you will be able to view password while typing. More over it will remove word limit from textbox and will allow to insert 999999 characters

Here i am telling how to it.

In this example I am taking UC Browser.
<1> Download your desired browser as _jar. E.g ucweb_jar
<2> Search With MT or Bytecode Editor
javax/microedition/lcdui/TextBox. A few classes will be extracted in a folder.

<3> Now open those classes with MT or ByteCode Editor. Go to constant pool. Now press 7 and replace javax/microedition/lcdui/TextBox to TextBoz . After that save the class. Do the same with other classes that you have extracted.
<4> Now unzip, modded by me [Download it here].You will find the TextBoz.class
<5> Then put your modified classes including TextBoz.class in the original app using MT.Now test the results.

Fixing Opera Mods Server

As you know opera Mini Mod is the Highly Modified Browser and nothing to mod in it only but fixing Server. Well, why i am writting this tutorial then. As you know Sir Dzebb is not making Handler These days, so many of us creating Handler using handler Embedder. But Did you know Sir Dzebb would Fix Server always when he would create Opera Mod Handlers. Well , i am telling you that. Opera Mod uses 14 servers [http+Socket] . But Sir Dzebb always remove 12 servers and kept only two servers [http+socket] which is . This is because when you are Filtering Server in HUI's Filter Box. It is easy to write *(socket:\http: So if other servers are not removed then you need to write all the servers in the filter box and that is troublesome.  Moreover it connect to the internet quickly because it only checks for two either http or socket. I think you have understand now the purpose of this tutorial

Now i am telling you how to remove other servers.
<1> Rename your opera mod as Search for server4. with bytecode editor/ mt . 1 class will extract in a folder. Again Search for server4.. 1 method named <clinit> will appear. Open the Method and press 8  and search for server4 again. Then change and delete from the  following code :

As byte codes of this Method are too long, only partial codes added that need to change

  putstatic bz/dn Z
  putstatic bz/dp Z
  putstatic bz/bb I
  bipush 14 change it to iconst_2
  anewarray java/lang/String
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  bipush 6
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 7
  ldc ""
  bipush 8
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 9
  ldc ""
  bipush 10
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 11
  ldc ""
  bipush 12
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 13
  ldc ""

  putstatic bz/m [Ljava/lang/String;
  ldc ""
  putstatic bz/x Ljava/lang/String;
  ldc ""
  putstatic bz/y Ljava/lang/String;
  new java/util/Stack
  invokespecial java/util/Stack/<init>()V
  putstatic bz/a Ljava/util/Stack;
  bipush 6
  putstatic bz/bg I

<3> Delete  Codes Marked in green
<4> After Modifying Save the class. You don't need to preverify. Just put it back to original file.  Now install and check in the network setting there is only 2 server. Now make it handler filtering like what i said at the beginning of the tutorial. Btw, you can use it without handler also will connect to the internet quickly.
Hi everyone, welcome to a new post.
This post will help you to mod your JAVA apps/games online with Invoke Virtual
It has got three features till now and it is in building stage.
1. Online Screenshot Embedder
2. Online JAD2JAR
3. Online Manifest Editor
The features along with how it works is discussed below in the post.
This site has been created by Sayyedshoaib.
For any suggestion o query, contact him here

1. Online Screenshot Embedder

How this can be useful?

Suppose any member request to add screenshotter to an app whose size is say 500kb, now to fullfil his/her request you have to first download 500kb file to memory card ,add screenshot feature using app then upload 500kb file. This takes 1000kb of data plus lots of hard work to embed screenshotter. But using this Online screenshot embedder and UDisk(Or URL upload) feature you can do this within few seconds!!

How this Works:

Using Online ScreenShot Embedder is very easy.
1. Lets take a j2me app i.e SBI_Freedom(just for testing, you can also use other app) save this in to Udisk.
2. Now to access this Online ScreenShot Embedder go to this link-InvokeVirtual , click on upload ,select above app from Udisk.
3. Now Click Upload File, within few seconds your screenshot embedded file will be ready to download. You can either download file to phone or save it in UDisk to upload somewhre else.
Just select the download link of above file and paste in URL textbox and click Upload, your file will be ready within few seconds

2. Online JAD2JAR - 

In Online Jad2Jar you have two options to select .jad(or _jad) that is from File Upload Option where u can upload jad file from Udisk or Local File Sytem  and URL Upload.
- As we know url upload is much time saving method but some time it may not work, at that time you should use normal File Upload to upload file from Udisk or local file system.

How to Use it:

1. Goto Jad2Jar, Upload jad file using any method and click on Get jar, you will get jar link in textBox for copy past and a clickable link for instant download.
2. For example use this whatsapp link:

3.  Online Manifest Editor

Online Manifest Editor is the third installment in InvokeVirtual's webapp series and direct sequel to previous Online Jad2Jar published.

How to Use it:

1. Firstly go to InvokeVirtual/Online Manifest Editor then you have to upload jar file whose extension may be .jar or or you can also directly upload MANIFEST.MF file, uploading can be done either by normal fileUpload option or Url upload option(Url upload for is not supported).
2. If you are uploading manifest file please fill the Name field with your name or your neighbour's name(like bablu, guddu, chintu etc) and for jar file just leave it blank.
3. Now there are two options for reading manifest file which are Normal mode and Advance mode
> Normal Mode:
In this mode you will get some predefined useful attributes to add on manifest file by just checking the ckeckboxes, these attributes are listed below.
-MIDlet-Name (midlet name)
-MIDlet-Touch-Support: true (remove virtual keypad in samsung)
-LGE-MIDlet-Width: 240 (remove virtual keypad in Lg)
-LGE-MIDlet-Height: 400
-LGE-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad: no
-LGE-MIDlet-Indicator: Hide (Make midlet indicator Hidden)
-Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit: true (Minimize apps in Hacked phone)
-MIDlet-Delete-Confirm: (Add notification on delete)
-Nokia-UI-Enhancement: (read MFeditor guide)
-Nokia-Update: (read MFeditor guide)
-Nokia-MIDlet-national-digit-display: true (read MFeditor guide)
you can also see main class file name.
> Advance Mode:
In this mode you can edit, delete any attributes or you can also add extra attributes.
There are many things to explain thatswhy I have created Online Manifest Editor Guide, I strongly recommend you to read this before using this webapp.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

 Hi, Friends!
Ovi Store only allows to download a particular file from you Nokia Phone itself. But, with this little trick you can download the files in your PC too.
Check it out, how:
1. First simply, visit the site from your PC and then sign in to your account.
2. Then choose your device(your phone), in order to get a compitable version of the app/game.
3. Search for the app/game you want.
4. Now, comes the trick. Suppose the link of your app is
edit it and make it A pop-up of download appears.
The main thing is to add "/download" to the link of your app/game to download it in your PC. Check the picture.
Hi, Friends!!
Welcome to the new post. Its about modding UC Browser v9.4, this tutorials are completely for the latest version v9.4. So, I can't say whether it works for the history.
Lets begin!!

Important Notes:

Number 0 to 5 is iconst_0 to iconst_5
Number 6 to 127 is bipush 6 to bipush 127
Number 128 to 32767 is sipush 128 to  sipush 32767
Number greater than 32767 is ldc ***** or ldc_w *****

Byte to kilobyte:

1024b= 1kb

Modifying Download Limits and 4kb Download Refresh

<1> Download UC 9.4 Browser and add .zip extension. For example :
<2> Now with Bytecode Editor Search For K/S. 1 class will extract in a folder. It is av.class in UC 9.4
<3> Open av.class with Bytecode editor/MT . Click on methods and you will see a lot of methods. Just go to <clinit> and open it. you will see the following codes:
<clinit>()V Method Codes are given below:

0  aconst_null
1  putstatic av/a Lav;
2  new java/util/Vector
3  dup
4  invokespecial java/util/Vector/<init>()V
5  putstatic av/a Ljava/util/Vector;
6  iconst_1
7  putstatic av/a B
8  iconst_0
9  putstatic av/b S
10  iconst_0
11  putstatic av/c S
12   iconst_2 you need to change this for download limit
13  putstatic av/a I
14  iconst_0
15  putstatic av/d I
16  ldc "/"
17  putstatic av/a Ljava/lang/String;
18  ldc "/"
19  putstatic av/b Ljava/lang/String;
20  return


Change   iconst_2 to   iconst_1 if you want 1 by 1 download
You can also change   iconst_2 to any other. For example if you want 4 downloads At a time then change it to   iconst_4. Take help from Notes:
<4> After modifying save the class.
<5> Now we will change 4kb download Refresh. Since by default UC 9.4 Download Refresh limit is 40kb [40960b]  ,so we will change  40kb to 4kb .
<6> Open Again the av.class with byte code editor or mt. Go to constant pool in the 2nd line you will see 40960. Just delete final 0 , then it will be 4096 which means 4kb.

Modifying Tabs Limit:

<1> Rename your uc browser as
<2> Select with bytecode editor or MT and search for ext:close_window. 1 class j.classwill be extracted in a folder for uc9.4. Open it with  bytecode editor/mt and Search For tableswitch. Several Methods will Appear. Now As we know in UC9.4 window limit is 8. So we will search for bipush 8 on each method that you have searched with tableswitch. In the second method, you will see the following Codes.
1  aload_0
2  invokevirtual j/c()Lh;
3  pop
4  aload_0
5  getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
6  invokevirtual java/util/Vector/size()I
7  dup
8  istore 5
9  bipush 8 This is window limit [ Change it to bipush 50 if u want 50 tabs.]
10  if_icmplt Label75
11  iload_3
12  iconst_4
13  invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
14  ifne Label75
15  iload_1
16  iconst_2
17  if_icmpeq Label73
18  new java/lang/StringBuffer
19  dup
20  invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>()V
21  bipush 87
22  invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
23  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
24  bipush 8 This is pop-up window limit that alerts you . [ change it to bipush 50 if you have changed previous bipush 8 to bipush 50]
25  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
26  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
27  astore 6
28  aload_0
29  aconst_null
30  iconst_1
31  anewarray java/lang/String
32  dup
33  iconst_0
34  aload 6
35  aastore
36  invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z
37  pop
38 Label73:
39  aconst_null
40  areturn
41 Label75:
42  iload 5
43  istore 6
44  iload 5
45  bipush 8
46  if_icmplt Label124
47  iload_3
48  iconst_4
49  invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
50  ifeq Label124
51  aload_0
52  getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
53  iload 5
54  iconst_1
55  isub
56  invokevirtual java/util/Vector/elementAt(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
57  checkcast h
58  astore 4
59  aload_0
60  iload 5
61  iconst_1
62  isub
63  dup
64  istore 6
65  invokevirtual j/d(I)V
66  goto Label198
67 Label124:
68  new h
69  dup
70  aload_0
71  invokespecial h/<init>(Lj;)V
72  astore 4
73  iload_1
74  tableswitch Label187 0 : Label164 , 1 : Label172 , 2 : Label181 , 3 : Label164
75 Label164 :
76  aload 4
77  getstatic j/a Laj;
78  goto Label184
79 Label172:
80  aload 4
81  aload_0
82  invokevirtual j/a()Laj;
83  goto Label184
84 Label181:
85  aload 4
86  aload_2
87 Label184:
88  invokevirtual h/d(Laj;)V
89 Label187:
90  aload_0
91  getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
92  aload 4
93  iload 5
94  invokevirtual java/util/Vector/insertElementAt(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
95 Label198:
96  iload_3
97  iconst_1
98  invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
99  ifne Label212
100  aload_0
101  iload 6
102  invokevirtual j/d(I)V
103 Label212:
104  aload 4
105  areturn
<3>After Modifying the  class , put back to original file and test your work.

Modifying Free Copy Restrictions:

<1> Rename your uc browser as
<2> Extract the largest Class. It is j.class. You can easily find which is the largest class using MT. Just Set Sort Files By Size you will see j.class at the bottom inside of zip file which means j.class is the largest class. Just extract it. Now, Open j.class with MT And  search for 2048. Methods will appear. Open each method and search for 5000 . You will find 5000 in one method. Open it. You will see this.

You will see the following codes :

0  aload_1
1  invokestatic ab/c(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
2  ifeq Label18
3  aload_0
4  bipush 56
5  invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
6  aload_2
7  invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
8  return
9 Label18:
10  aload_1
11  invokevirtual java/lang/String/length()I
12  invokestatic y/a()Ly;
13  getfield y/c I
14  isub
15  istore_3
16  invokestatic a/s()Z
17  ifeq Label54
18  iload_3
19  sipush 2048
20  if_icmple Label54
21  aload_0
22  bipush 108
23  invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
24  aload_2
25  invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
26  return
27 Label54:
28  getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector; Copy This line
29  invokestatic j/a(Ljava/util/Vector;)I
30  iload_3
31  iadd
32  sipush 5000 [ Change it to ldc_w 999999]
33  if_icmple Label80
34  aload_0
35  sipush 337
36  invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
37  aload_2
38  invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
39  return
40 Label80:
41  getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector;
42  aload_1
43  iconst_0
44  invokevirtual java/util/Vector/insertElementAt(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
45  aload_0
46  bipush 107
47  invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
48  aload_2
49  invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
50  return
Now save the class and open it again. Then search again with  getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector; that i had said to copy before. Several methods will appear. Now again search for 5000 you will see in 1 method. Open it. Code are following.

0  sipush 5000 [ change it to ldc_w 999999 ]
1  getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector;
2  invokestatic j/a(Ljava/util/Vector;)I
3  isub
4  ireturn

Now save the class and put back to original file and test your work

 Disabling Pop-up update Notifications for any versions:

1> Rename your uc browser as
<2> Select with bytecode editor or MT and search for t:acp. Two classes [bb.class and j.class] will be extracted in a folder for uc9.4. Open the 1st class with  bytecode editor/mt and go to constant pool . Then press 8 and Search for t:acp . Then Delete directly t:acp from constant pool. Do the same in the 2nd class.
<3> Now Put the modified classes in the original app and test ur work.

 Removing History Limit:

<1> Rename your uc browser as
<2> Select with bytecode editor or MT and search for ext:close_window. 1 class j.classwill be extracted in a folder for uc9.4. Open it with  bytecode editor/mt and go to Methods. Now Go to <clinit>
You will see the following codes :
The byte codes are too long . Here i am giving partial codes that need to change
162  putstatic j/s Ljava/lang/String;
163  ldc "UCBrowser"
164  putstatic j/t Ljava/lang/String;
165  ldc "3.1"
166  putstatic j/u Ljava/lang/String;
167  ldc "en-us"
168  putstatic j/v Ljava/lang/String;
169  ldc "release"
170  putstatic j/w Ljava/lang/String;
171  aconst_null
172  putstatic j/x Ljava/lang/String;
173  ldc "GJ"
174  dup
175  putstatic j/C Ljava/lang/String;
176  putstatic j/y Ljava/lang/String;
177  ldc "WWW"
178  putstatic j/z Ljava/lang/String;
179  ldc "obua"
180  putstatic j/D Ljava/lang/String;
181  ldc ""
182  putstatic j/A Ljava/lang/String;
183  sipush 1033
184  putstatic j/d S
185  bipush 20 this is history limit  [ change it to bipush 50 if u want 50 history]
186  putstatic j/s B
187  iconst_1
188  putstatic j/g Z
189  ldc "startpage"
190  putstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
191  ldc "startpage_search"
192  putstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
193  ldc "null"
194  putstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
195  new java/lang/StringBuffer
196  dup
197  ldc "http://command/command="
198  invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
199  getstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
200  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
201  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
202  putstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
203  new java/lang/StringBuffer
204  dup
205  ldc "http://command/command="
206  invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
207  getstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
208  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
209  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
210  putstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
211  new java/lang/StringBuffer
212  dup
213  ldc "http://command/command="
214  invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
215  getstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
216  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
217  invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
218  putstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
219  iconst_0
220  putstatic j/h Z
221  bipush 100
222  putstatic j/t I
223  return
Now save the class and put back to original file.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Got fed up from your default phone browser??

Don't worry change it to your favorite browser, right now.
 Usually, Nokia s40 phones default browser is Opera Mini.
Follow the steps, to change it to your favorite browser
1. First download and install the browser that you want to place in your web menu context. Remember that you have to download both .jar and .jad file[or if you have only .jar file,then convert it to .jad by Mini Commander or Online]
2. Now open the .jad file with notepad and note the Midlet name and vendor name.
Now starts the main part.
3. Browse your mobile system file by any software like oxycube, PC Suite,MobiMB,etc.
4. Goto C:/hiddenfolder/menus and copy the setting.xml file to desktop and delete the opm folder[usually it is hidden(C:/Gallery/hidden folder/menus/opm)] there.
5. Open the xml file scroll down and write & add new nlinks.
6. Then go down to web setting,add the nlink there and delete old nlink if you want to remove the other useless apps.
7. Now save that file.
8. Replace it to your mobile system file and copy the jar and jad files to the application folder of your mobile.
9. Now, you are done. Restart your phone and enjoy.

Note: If you can't find any apps or software related to the tutorial, comment below. I will provide you with working links of the apps.
Are you fed up with pre-installed apps/tones/wallpapers/bookmarks of your Nokia java phone and want to delete without help of any PC? 
Here is complete process.
I will guide you step by step.

๏ First we talk about tones/wallpapers/bookmarks. 

For better understanding, I'll guide by example
     Let a pre-installed file in our Gallery in Tones folder is Nokia.aac, and we want to delete it, so first copy any file (image/tone/any other text file) in memory card, and rename it Nokia.aac by MiniCommander or BlueFTP or UC Browser's file manager. Now go to Gallery > Memory card (not My apps > Memory card) and mark Nokia.acc and move it to Tones. (Do not directly move, just mark and move). You will see - "Item already exist". Now go to Tones and go to Nokia.aac, and go to option, you will see delete option highlighted. Do same with wallpapers/other tones also. You can delete multiple files by renaming and mark & moving multiple files at once.

๏ Delete pre-installed apps.

     You need to make backup file of apps and games. Rename backup file with MiniCommander or BlueFTP from .NBF to .zip and open this file. Inside this file, open Java > Collections . There is many folders like cherry_India_private, ovi_private, facebook_private etc. So first copy any file (image/tone/any other text file) in memory card, and rename it cherry_India (do not write cherry_India_private) or as your apps by MiniCommander or BlueFTP or UC Browser's file manager. Go to My apps > Memory card (not Gallery > Memory card) and rename cherry_India to cherry_India.jar. Now mark it and move it to collection or games or where your app exists. (Do not directly move, just mark and move). You will see - "Item already exist". Now go to app and go to option, you will see delete option highlighted. Do same with other apps also. You can delete multiple apps by renaming and mark & moving multiple files at once.

Hello my friends!

Tonight I will share "How to Take Screenshot of WebSite via Opera Mini, UC Browser or through PC"

Suppose, we want to visit a site/blog and we can't check the site clearly just because of our phone limitation of unable to zoom-in websites. And, often our mobile displays the mobile version sites and we are in need to check the PC Version of the site through our mobile. 
So, here is the alternate way of this problems. Visit the link
through your phone. Fill in the address of any site or blog, you want to take screenshot! Wait a moment, Taraaa picture have been captured, as shown below! Easy sob, so we can see if the site / blog without visit!

The best thing about Firefox is the way it lets you do whatever you like with it. If you love the fox as much as I do, and have shunned all the other browsers for Firefox like I have, but cant help being frustrated when sometimes it slows down because you have 40 tabs open in four different windows, or you can’t afford to upgrade your RAM to a reasonable amount… yet (like me), here’s something that will cheer you up. It doesn’t matter if you are a computer rookie or a seasoned veteran in this field, these few easy-to-do tweaks will really get Firefox performing just as fast as you want it to; probably even faster.


By tweaking the way Firefox handles some caching functions, you can improve the page load speed and even free up the RAM it is hogging while minimized. Do not fear if you have never touched your configuration file before, just follow these simple steps and you’ll have it done in no time.

I’d still suggest you grab a pen and jot down the settings that you change, in case you are not happy with them and may want to revert back to the default settings.
Just remember to re-start Firefox after every setting change.

Reduce Firefox’s RAM Usage for Its Cache Feature

1. Type “about:config” (without quotes) in the address bar of your Firefox and press Enter.
2. Find “browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer
3. Set the value to “0” (Zero)

Cut Down Ram Usage to 10 MB when Firefox is Minimized

1. Type “about:config” (without quotes) in the address bar of your Firefox and press Enter.
2. Right click in the page and select “New” > “Boolean
3. In the pop-up box that appears, enter “config.trim_on_minimize” and hit Enter
4. Select True and press Enter.

Increase the Page Load Speed of Firefox

Normally the browser makes one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining, it will make several requests at once, which really speeds up page loading.
1. Type “about:config” (without quotes) in the address bar of your Firefox and press Enter.
2. Find and Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true
3. Find and Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true
4. Find and Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like “10”. (Meaning that it will make 10 requests at once.)
5. right click anywhere in the configuration window and from the pop-up menu select: “New” > “Integer
Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay
Set its value to “0” (Zero)
This value represents the amount of time the browser waits before acting upon the information it has received. If you are using a broadband connection, your pages will load faster now.

Get Even Faster Web Browsing

1. Type “about:config” (without quotes) in the address bar of your Firefox and press Enter.
2. Right click in the window and choose “New” > “Integer” or “String
3. Enter “network.dns.disableIPv6” in the pop-up box and set value to “false”.
4. Repeat step 2, and enter “content.notify.backoffcount” in the pop-up box and set value to “5”.
5. Repeat step 2 and enter “plugin.expose_full_path” and set value to “true”.
6. Repeat step 2 and enter “ui.submenuDelay” and set value to “0” (Zero).

Now, feel the difference. And keep surfing.



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