Friday, January 17, 2014

Fixing Opera Mods Server

As you know opera Mini Mod is the Highly Modified Browser and nothing to mod in it only but fixing Server. Well, why i am writting this tutorial then. As you know Sir Dzebb is not making Handler These days, so many of us creating Handler using handler Embedder. But Did you know Sir Dzebb would Fix Server always when he would create Opera Mod Handlers. Well , i am telling you that. Opera Mod uses 14 servers [http+Socket] . But Sir Dzebb always remove 12 servers and kept only two servers [http+socket] which is . This is because when you are Filtering Server in HUI's Filter Box. It is easy to write *(socket:\http: So if other servers are not removed then you need to write all the servers in the filter box and that is troublesome.  Moreover it connect to the internet quickly because it only checks for two either http or socket. I think you have understand now the purpose of this tutorial

Now i am telling you how to remove other servers.
<1> Rename your opera mod as Search for server4. with bytecode editor/ mt . 1 class will extract in a folder. Again Search for server4.. 1 method named <clinit> will appear. Open the Method and press 8  and search for server4 again. Then change and delete from the  following code :

As byte codes of this Method are too long, only partial codes added that need to change

  putstatic bz/dn Z
  putstatic bz/dp Z
  putstatic bz/bb I
  bipush 14 change it to iconst_2
  anewarray java/lang/String
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  ldc_w "socket://"
  ldc ""
  bipush 6
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 7
  ldc ""
  bipush 8
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 9
  ldc ""
  bipush 10
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 11
  ldc ""
  bipush 12
  ldc_w "socket://"
  bipush 13
  ldc ""

  putstatic bz/m [Ljava/lang/String;
  ldc ""
  putstatic bz/x Ljava/lang/String;
  ldc ""
  putstatic bz/y Ljava/lang/String;
  new java/util/Stack
  invokespecial java/util/Stack/<init>()V
  putstatic bz/a Ljava/util/Stack;
  bipush 6
  putstatic bz/bg I

<3> Delete  Codes Marked in green
<4> After Modifying Save the class. You don't need to preverify. Just put it back to original file.  Now install and check in the network setting there is only 2 server. Now make it handler filtering like what i said at the beginning of the tutorial. Btw, you can use it without handler also will connect to the internet quickly.
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