Saturday, June 28, 2014

This tutorial is about adding shadow connection manually. Here in this tutorial you will know how to add shadow connection in any java MIDlet. This Tutorial has prepared by me.
How To Add Shadow Connection To Any Java MIDlet Manually
About Shadow Connection:
Shadow connection is used to keep the connection of your phone alive. It will help to solve the connection break problems in any Java app of phone.
1. Blueftp,Mini Commander etc.
2. Bytecode editor
1. Download the below file.
2. At first extract your java MIDlet to a folder.
3. Using Bytecode editor goto the folder where you have extracted your MIDlet and search for this code:
  1. javax/microedition/midlet/MIDlet
4. Few .Class files will pop up.Then open them one by one>constant pool>press 7>Replace:
  1. javax/microedition/midlet/MIDlet
  1. javay/microedition/io/Connect
then press OK. do the same with the rest of .Class files that poped up after searching.
5. After that open attached file and there you will see javay folder.
5. Extract javay folder from attached file to the folder where you have extracted your MIDlet.
6. Then pack all files together using Mini commander.After that install your modified MIDlet.
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